3.5 million said their pain had kept them from their usual activities, including work, on at least 14 days in the last 3 months. Where reasonable adjustments made for them?
41% of people who attended pain clinics in the UK, report that their pain has prevented them from working and 13% have had to reduce their hours.
I am one of those 13%.
It’s critical to shine the light on the need for reasonable adjustments to be made, its the only way to create an inclusive workplace.
How did it impact me?
I am a fitness, health and wellbeing coach but that wasn’t enough to stop trauma affecting my body. It resulted in being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after months of investigation. What felt like overnight, my mental and physical state became something I didn’t even recognise. Trust me, mental health has been very close to my heart for many years.
I was working full time but my sickness levels were increasing. I was having HR meetings with my employer, and something had to give. So, I reduced my hours to part time and suffered the financial consequences.
In 2022, with the smallest savings pot that I was left with, I decided to start a wellbeing platform that would cater for people just like me. To empower them with strategies that would help them manage their symptomatic life. For them to not only feel better mentally, but to start dealing with the physical impact and to create a ‘one stop shop’ if you like, covering Nutrition, Yoga, Pilates, Meditation and Self Care. I’ve not been able to find anything like this during my journey.
I’m not going to lie, it’s tough and there are days where I wonder why on earth I am trying to do this. But then I go onto my focus group and see the posts of those people, crying out for help and I am once again reminded why the Universe put me on this path.
My people do not have the available funds to be able to invest in something like this. They are losing their jobs, reducing their hours, struggling to make ends meet. However, although I offer free support sessions and videos, I too have bills to pay.
What am I posting this here for?
I would love to speak to companies who are willing to offer my platform to their staff as part of your wellbeing offering. I’ve worked in HR, I know the sickness levels that are suffered and the financial cost to the business that this has. Now, more than ever, employees need the assistance of their employer. Reasonable adjustments are vital to keep people in employment and I would love to be part of the solution, having been on both sides of this. A sufferer and an HR employee.
If this resonates with you and you would like to discuss the opportunity, please do connect with me. My website is www.withhannah.co.uk and my email address is [email protected]
I have so many affordable options including branding of the content to share with you. I just need you to reach out.
These are invisible conditions, but it is my intention to see these people, and help them live their life.
Thanks to #painukorg for the statistic shown here today.