Wellbeing Blog

How To Help Depression, Stress And Anxiety
World Mental Health Awareness Day – Raising awareness for how stress can impact our overall health.

The Benefits Of Gardening On Mental Health
I recently started a new journey and I’ve named it ‘sowing seeds for serotonin’. Gardening for mental health. I have never been ashamed about the

Raw Vegan Cinnamon Buns
These cinnamon vegan and gluten free buns are well worth trying. My favourite cake is a cinnamon swirl, but being gluten and dairy intolerant, meant

What Is The Only Mineral That We Cannot Live Without?
Having taken part in a Magnesium masterclass and researched this life saving mineral, I’m keen to share this with you. It completely blew my mind

Do You Soak Your Nuts?
No, no, no, I’m talking about almonds here! Ensuring that you do not fill your body with toxins can be daunting at first. Making one

How Do You Live With Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia suffers, does this resonate with you? There seems to be an increasing number of days where I open my eyes and the first sensation,

Pregnancy Life With Fibromyalgia/Chronic Pain Conditions.
Is There Comfort To Be Found? That moment where you discover you are pregnant can send you into sheer excitement, you can’t believe the test,

Is Your Employer Making Reasonable Adjustments For You?
3.5 million said their pain had kept them from their usual activities, including work, on at least 14 days in the last 3 months. Where

Chronic Pain: The ‘Unbearable’ Condition Affecting One In Four
Today the BBC has posted up an article that shines a like on Chronic Pain with the story of #JenProudler. For those of us that

Living With Fibromyalgia And Chronic Pain.
What is living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain? What does it mean to accept Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain and what is acceptance? I think these

A Guide To Living With Stress
Hi, I’m Hannah, this is my guide to living with stress. I’m going to give you some statistics because they’re quite overwhelming. 74% of UK

Mindfulness & Chronic Fatigue
Mindfulness and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are maybe not subjects you would expect to see together. However, today I want to show you how mindfulness meditation