Whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or have negative thoughts about yourself and the world – try doing yoga. At least for 10 minutes. On your bedroom carpet or your living room rug. READ MORE

Whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or have negative thoughts about yourself and the world – try doing yoga. At least for 10 minutes. On your bedroom carpet or your living room rug. READ MORE
What are the spiritual benefits of doing Yoga? Every person can experience something different in spirituality. It can be that you simply feel a state of love and bliss. Some get physical sensations, others have visions. READ MORE
Research suggests that one of the most effective ways to alleviate stress, worry, and general anxieties about our life is to practice more deliberate kindness and self-compassion towards ourselves. READ MORE
I can’t do yoga because I’m not flexible”. I hear this almost every day when I tell people I’m a yoga and Pilates teacher. READ MORE